11 Essential Items For Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit
Wait! Don’t Leave For Your Wedding Day Without These 11 Essential Items
Properly prepping for your wedding day isn’t just about landing the perfect florist and getting your gown flawlessly fitted. It’s also about making sure you expect the unexpected and have prepared for things to go wrong.
By building a wedding day kit filled with these crucial items, even a horrible event like the zipper on your gown breaking or a glass of red wine falling on your skirt won’t dampen your joy!
Here I am using my very own emergency kit I travel with to every wedding. I use this tiny kit Every. Single. Wedding I attend and am constantly refilling the bobby pins + boutonnière pins!
1. Bobby Pins
Remember, your wedding day is going to be a LONG one, filled with hopping in and out of cars and a whole lot of dancing. So even after a visit to a professional hair salon, have some bobby pins handy to keep those pesky stray hairs or reluctant curls from sneaking out of your updo right before bridal portraits.
2. Small sewing kit
You never know a zipper might break or a strap might pop, so be ready to make a quick fix on your wedding gown or bridesmaids’ dresses with a minimal sewing kit.
3. Tampons
Believe it or not, I’ve actually had a bride’s period start during hair and makeup on her wedding day. What a bummer, right? At least be prepared for Aunt Flow’s untimely arrival with a few tampons tucked away in your emergency kit.
4. Scissors
Whether a bridesmaid forgot to take the price tag off her dress or the ribbons on the bouquets came a little too long, don’t be caught searching for scissors 15 minutes before you walk down the aisle.
5. Stain removal pen
I know it hurts your feelings to even think about it, but I’ve watched in horror as red wine was dumped down the front of a bride’s gown just as a reception got started. But with a Tide pen and a bottle of seltzer water, her dress looked good as new!
6. Chapstick
What’s the worst feeling in the world? Chapped lips when you can’t find a chapstick! Especially if your ceremony or reception is outside, make sure you’ve got something to protect your lips from the wind and sun.
7. Safety pins
Bustles on gowns are some of the most stubborn little things, and sometimes the hook or the button will pop off. Don’t let an unbustled gown keep you from hitting the dance floor! With a safety pin you can quickly and easily make a fix.
8. Tissues
From weepy, joyful eyes to a sudden attack of allergies, you and your bridesmaids will be extremely grateful that you remembered to pack plenty of tissues in your wedding day kit.
9. Tylenol
Whether you’ve got cramps from the unexpected arrival of your period or your feet just start getting sore from dancing in your beautiful but painful wedding heels, have some Tylenol on hand to make sure pain doesn’t keep you from enjoying your day.
10. Deodorant
Your wedding day is going to crazy eventful and you’ll probably break a sweat at some point. Especially if you’re planning a beautiful summer wedding, make sure you’ve got deodorant ready to reapply if you start noticing, um, an aroma.
11. Band-Aids
It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to wedding day injuries, no matter how small. Keep some Band-Aids handy in case your heels cause a blister or your maid of honor cuts her finger on the scissors.
With a wedding day kit stocked with these 11 items, you’ll feel so much more relaxed and free to celebrate because you’ll know you’re ready for just about anything.
Now, here is a look into my own personal emergency kit I travel to ALL weddings with!!! Because I/m cool like the and I got you covered!